Location of work: Vasylіvka village, Snigurivska territorial community, Bashtansky district, Mykolaiv region.
Land owner: Snigurivska City Council.
Period of work: August 4, 2024 - August 30, 2024.
Area: 50 hectares.
Teams involved:
Non-technical survey team No. 2 (head - Anna Anisimova).
Non-technical survey team No. 3 (head - Yuriy Bohdan).
Findings of the non-technical survey:
Plot No. 2: Evidence of enemy positions was found near the surveyed area. A visual inspection and aerial reconnaissance revealed a direct indication of contamination: a fragment of a 9N210/9N235 cluster submunition stabilizer.
Plot No. 9: The surveyed area contained enemy positions, trenches, and military equipment. Visual inspection and aerial reconnaissance revealed evidence such as remnants of unexploded ordnance, tank shelters, and trenches.
Plots No. 10 and 11: Aerial reconnaissance and visual inspection using binoculars revealed warning signs of mine danger. Former military positions were also identified near these plots.
Plot No. 13: Numerous 152mm artillery shell casings, RPG rounds, and remnants of Grad and Uragan rocket systems were found during a visual inspection of the perimeter and the area using a drone. Three hazardous areas were identified: two with the danger type "combat zone" and one with the danger type "former combat zone."
Plot No. 14: Numerous 152mm artillery shell casings and remnants of Uragan rocket systems were found. Land users had previously discovered and disposed of 9N210/9N235 cluster submunitions.
Plots 15-28: Various evidence of military activity was found, including remnants of 9N210/9N235 cluster submunitions, rocket parts, trenches, and bunkers.
The work was carried out in accordance with order No. 984 of August 1, 2024.