Work Location: Kyselivka village, Pervomaiska Territorial Community, Mykolaiv district, Mykolaiv region.
Land Owner/User: Individual Entrepreneur S.V. Kishkovsky.
Work Period: June 5 - August 13, 2024.
Area (hectares): 50 hectares.
Teams Involved:
Mechanized demining teams №3 and №4, led by Vitaliy Kuprish.
The territory in Snigurivka, where several UDS sapper teams conducted demining operations, belongs to Ukrainian farmer Sergiy Kishkovsky, head of the "Savanna" farm. For over 20 years, he has been cultivating agricultural products in the Snigurivka community. As a result of the Russian aggression, the farm suffered significant damage. Office and warehouse buildings were destroyed and looted, crops and equipment were lost. Agricultural lands became unsuitable for cultivation due to contamination with unexploded ordnance. There were cases of agricultural machinery being blown up and human casualties.
"First, we conducted a non-technical survey of the farm territory using handheld drones. After that, the land was cleared of mines and ammunition using Bozena robot machines.
Currently, 50 hectares of land are already assessed as cleared of explosive ordnance according to National Demining Standards and are suitable for use. Sergiy's story is just one of many examples of how UDS is helping Ukrainian farmers restore their production," noted Oleg Smal, Head of the UDS Quality Management Department.
The work was carried out in accordance with order No. 624 of June 4, 2024.