UDS joined the Ukrainian National Association for Humanitarian Demining (UNAGR)

UDS joined the Ukrainian National Association for Humanitarian Demining (UNAGR)

The relevant decision was approved by the Supervisory Board of the company chaired by Yaroslav NaD.

Oleksandr Romaniuk, Director of Economics at UDS, stressed the importance of coordinating such efforts:

"Each of the participants in the demining market faces certain difficulties and problems. Only through joint efforts and coordinated actions will we be able to overcome them, make the market transparent and understandable, and therefore achieve significant results. By uniting, we will be able to clear the Ukraine of explosive remnants of war faster and more efficiently, saving lives and making our land safe for future generations."

The UNAGR Association is a non-governmental structure that brings together companies operating in the field of mine action.

The key mission of the association is to contribute to the speedy and high-quality clearance of the territories of Ukraine from explosive ordnance, which coincides with the mission and vision of UDS.

The head of the UNAGR, Meri Hakobyan, noted that it is with humanitarian demining that the restoration of Ukraine begins.

"We are uniting national humanitarian accommodation operators for the rapid recovery of Ukraine," Mary Hakobyan emphasized.

About the Association:

🔺 The UNAGR Association is a non-governmental structure that brings together companies operating in the field of mine action.

The key mission of the association is to contribute to the speedy and high-quality clearance of the territories of Ukraine from explosive ordnance, which coincides with the mission and vision of UDS.