UDS Extends State Certification for Mine Action Processes

UDS Extends State Certification for Mine Action Processes

In a year, UDS has cleared hundreds of hectares of Ukrainian land and is currently undergoing a 5-year certification renewal for humanitarian demining processes.

The Certification and Quality Assurance Department of the Interregional Humanitarian Demining and Rapid Response Center of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is conducting an on-site assessment of UDS for six humanitarian demining processes, including:

  1. Informing the population about the risks associated with unexploded ordnance;
  2. Non-technical survey;
  3. Manual demining;
  4. Technical survey;
  5. Explosive ordnance risk education;
  6. Monitoring the destruction/neutralization of unexploded ordnance.

It's worth noting that UDS already holds certificates for these processes, however, these are issued by the state with a one-year validity period.

The extension of certification terms is essentially a re-certification of mine action processes, during which, just as for newcomers, all resources, documents, tangible assets, as well as the skills and capabilities of our sappers are checked.

We are undergoing state certification without interrupting production, as UDS sappers are currently fulfilling nearly two dozen state contracts.